Understanding the Demander Remittance Address

The Remittance Address is a section of the E-Subro Hub demand that is completed by the Demanding Party and indicates where settlement checks are received. 

This field is generally auto-populated when a Demanding Party creates and issues a demand to the Responding company. However, this functionality is dynamic, and it is very important for the Demander to understand how this field is populated.

Let’s examine the Remittance Address functionality by walking through the steps users follow when creating their initial demand. 
  1. Users proceed through the different sections of a demand and come to the Remittance Address fields.
  2. They enter the address that their company uses for processing all inbound payments and moves to the next section of the demand. 
  3. Once all of the sections are complete, users click “Issue Demand” and move on to the next claim.
  4. On the next claim, the Remittance Address does not need to be entered because the auto-populate functionality is now active for the user’s login and they can move on to complete the E-Subro Hub demand. 
If that first demand was created with the correct Remittance Address, then all subsequent demands issued will have accurate information. However, if that initial address was not correct, every demand issued would have the wrong address.

Following a recent enhancement, demands cannot be issued with a blank address. 

When creating a demand, please remember the following tips regarding the Remittance Address:
  • The Remittance Address should always be completed.
  • The Remittance Address needs to be confirmed on every demand, even when filled in automatically.
  • The auto-populate functionality is only associated with the user who created the demand.
  • Revisions to the Remittance Address on a new demand will populate subsequent demands generated by that user with the updated address.
  • The Remittance Address will not update if the demand is assigned to another user.