E-Subro Hub®

The Industry's Choice for Managing Subrogation Claims

E-Subro Hub enables users to electronically send and receive subrogation demands, attach supporting documents, manage subrogation claims, and electronically move demands over to intercompany arbitration if necessary, all from a single platform.
  • Eliminates subrogation-related printing, copying, mailing, and scanning expenses on outbound and inbound demands
  • Available to members at NO COST—no start-up or transactional fees


  • Team Management functionality allows member supervisors to manage their team's productivity more efficiently
  • Sorting and display options available through the Work List make it even easier to navigate demands, supporting members' work process priorities to resolve the oldest demands first and reduce demand cycle time
  • Reminder notifications, configured at a company level, remind demand recipients that action needs to be taken on an assigned demand, if no action was taken on receipt of the original notification
  • Paperless PDF batch printing functionality gives members the option to save full demands with all associated evidence as a PDF
  • Includes Third-Party Administrator (TPA) functionality

Quick Facts

  • Includes All of the Top-10 Property and Casualty Companies
  • Total Market Share in E-Subro Hub: 92%
  • Total Demands Issued in 2024: 2.4 Million
  • Total Dollars of Demands Issued in 2024: $18 Billion
  • Available Nationwide

Member Feedback

E-Subro Hub provides a great platform for sending and receiving demands. We use it for recovery purposes as well. In those cases where it's just not cost effective to litigate, Arbitration Forums provides us a good platform to be able to have those disputes heard!

Get Started Today!

Join the other member companies and benefit from all E-Subro Hub has to offer. Participating in E-Subro Hub is easy and available to members at no cost. Contact us at 1-888-ESubro1 (378-2761) to get started today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, anytime during the negotiation process the Demander can move the case to arbitration if a liability and/or damages settlement cannot be reached.
No, E-Subro Hub members agree to issue and receive demands through the system. This ensures the members receive the full benefit of E-Subro Hub.
No, AF is a not-for-profit organization that exists to serve the industry. E-Subro Hub is offered to AF's members at no cost.
  • E-Subro Hub members must have an individual in place to handle the routing of new inbound demands. The routing role, while very straightforward, is critical, as all new inbound demands need to be assigned to the correct adjuster or team owning the file. Keep in mind, demands received through E-Subro Hub are demands that would have formerly arrived via mail or fax. Receiving them electronically is more efficient and reduces costs related to mail handling and scanning the demand package into your claim system.
  • NOTE: When explaining the routing role to a prospective member, it is important to point out that routing demands is a clerical role typically handled by someone who is already in a clerical role for the company.
In the current system configuration, clicking "Accept" confirms you are accepting Liability and Damages at the current negotiation and this action will be a matter of record in the demand activity log. Should arbitration be filed to recover an additional balance, record of having accepted an offer can be submitted as evidence for consideration by the arbitrator.
Yes, an authorized officer of the company must sign the agreement. Upon completion of the agreement, please forward a signed copy to the attention of membership@arbfile.org or send to:

Arbitration Forums, Inc.
Attn: Membership Services
3820 Northdale Boulevard, Suite 115
Tampa, Florida 33624
  • Subrogation-related expenses such as mailing, faxing, printing, and copying are eliminated.
  • All supporting documentation is sent electronically.
  • Unproductive phone calls (inbound and outbound) are reduced, as members can negotiate and share information electronically.
  • Cycle time (demand issued to closed) can be reduced by as much as 40%.
  • Demands are received electronically, so there is no need to scan a demand package into the claim system.
  • Members can interface electronically through E-Subro Hub, eliminating many unnecessary phone calls, freeing up adjusters' time so they can focus on their own policyholders.
  • The documents that are included with a demand are all converted to PDFs and are typically original-quality documents. This makes reviewing an inbound subrogation claim much easier.
Tutorials and Instructional Aids can be found on the E-Subro Hub Training Resources page. In addition, we offer training webinars--one dedicated to issuing a demand and another dedicated to responding to a demand. Please take a look at our Webinars for the course schedule.