In TRS® Special Arbitration, the Recovering Party must declare its case type by first choosing a coverage group and then a right of recovery from available options in the first workflow step. These choices drive the appropriate workflow.
With the discontinuance of the Uninsured Motorists’ Forum (UM) earlier this year, disputes wherein an insurer pays a claim under UM coverage and does not agree with the merits of the disclaimer issued by the adverse carrier are no longer compulsory. In contrast, UM recovery actions against the tortfeasor’s insurer for which the Responding Company has coverage are compulsory in the Special Forum.
Following this change, we have seen several UMPD and/or UMBI cases in which the coverage group has been incorrectly identified as non-compulsory (special arbitration). The case cannot move forward when this occurs. We’ve created a job aid that explains how to recognize this filing error and what to do when it occurs.
System Maintenance: AF is scheduled to conduct system maintenance on this website on Monday, January 13, 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. ET. Training tutorials, reference guides, rule documents, agreements, news articles, and other assets will not be available during this time. Member applications will still be available for filing and responding. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause your organization and appreciate your continued support.