We continue to notice an increasing number of Post-Decision Inquiries (PDIs) submitted by filers and responders who believe the arbitrator did not comment on a particular piece of evidence. We want to remind members that submitting a reason of “missed evidence” by the arbitrator does not qualify for a PDI.
We have created a quick reference sheet to help illustrate what constitutes a correctable error made by the arbitrator or AF and when to submit a PDI. Please save the link to this reference sheet for future use.
System Maintenance: AF is scheduled to conduct system maintenance on this website on Monday, January 13, 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. ET. Training tutorials, reference guides, rule documents, agreements, news articles, and other assets will not be available during this time. Member applications will still be available for filing and responding. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause your organization and appreciate your continued support.