Arbitration Forums, Inc. (AF)’s Board of Directors recently approved a change to the fee for Panel of Three Special Arbitration Forum cases.
Currently, all parties are charged a per arbitrator fee for a Panel of Three in the Special Arbitration Forum. With the approved change, only the requesting party will pay a single fee, like AF’s other forums. The fee amount remains at $42.
AF will be bringing the Special Arbitration Forum to Total Recovery Solution® (TRS®) On February 19, 2024, and this fee change will coincide with the rollout. The change was made to align the filing fee schedule for all TRS filings.
System Maintenance: AF is scheduled to conduct system maintenance on this website on Monday, January 13, 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. ET. Training tutorials, reference guides, rule documents, agreements, news articles, and other assets will not be available during this time. Member applications will still be available for filing and responding. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause your organization and appreciate your continued support.