Decision Quality Update

Last year was a challenging year for many companies for a variety of reasons, but mostly due to pandemic-related issues and the “Great Resignation.” Productivity was understandably impacted. While AF maintained a low case cycle time, we did experience an impact to the number of heard cases near the end of the year. One thing that did not decline, however, was the level of quality decisions by our member arbitrators. Below are some amazing metrics.

Member Decision Reviews
Each quarter, designated member representatives provide their review and share feedback on recent decisions. Their feedback is specific to the reasonableness of the decision and the explanation for it.
  Decision Reasonable Decision Clearly Explained
2020 95% 93%
2021 96% 95%

Member Satisfaction Survey Results (Overall Decision Quality)
  Filer/Responder Survey Manager Survey
2020 92.8% 80.5%
2021 94.4% 87.8%

Ratio of Amended/Voided Decisions due Clerical/Jurisdictional Errors
  Ratio per Decisions Published
2020 2.6%
2021 2.1%

The above results would not be achieved without the efforts of our member arbitrators. Not only do they provide the time to hear the cases, they also respond promptly to requests for corrections or additional clarification, as needed, during the pre-publication review process and when a post-decision inquiry is submitted. Thank you for all you do to help improve our members’ experience!