Enhancement to Case Overview for Change Requests

Parties can request to change incident details, join an existing case, or be removed from an existing case. As these requests are processed, they are reflected in the activity log. On September 24, 2022, AF will introduce an enhancement to Case Overview to provide better visibility of these requests and their outcomes.
When a party is removed from a case, they will appear in the Case Summary section with “Party Removed” as the status.

Screenshot of case summary with party removed status highlighted
Within the Liability/Recovery section, the removed party will have a “Removed” badge.

Screenshot of Liability section showing a red removed tag next to the company that has been removed
The Change Requests section appears after the Incident Details section when a request is made on the case. The following subsections only appear when a given request(s) occurs on the case:
  • Incident Change Requests
  • Requests to be Removed
  • Requests to be Added
As illustrated in the image below, the request date, the party that made the request, justification for the request, response, and status of the request are provided.

Screenshot of the Change Requests screen indicating all of the changes made on the filing